Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day Four, cont'd... The Turkey Popcorn Contest!

We decided boredom is out of the question for today, so we got together and formed a competition. The challenge was to make a popcorn ball look like a turkey, y'know for Thanksgiving!
So The Winner of the competition is...
Can you see it? The beak, the gizzard, the beady red eyes and the comb?
Way to go Peter! I actually wondered if it could be done, and you really did it!

Here's the rest of the competitors and the behind the scenes:
Levi and Uncle Matt made all the popcorn, while I made all the goo to hold it together!

Gabe cut up ju-jubes because there were no small ones to buy!

I made the first "turkey" to inspire our little people to greatness, hee, hee!

Alex's art

Harlee's hunk

Gabe's grand creation

Maeg's monstrosity

Will's work
"The Bearded Lady"

Nate's nebula

Levi's lovely lump

Gid's glob

The crazy Young table!
Now, lets EAT!






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